Welcome to the Medway Whole Systems Obesity dashboard
The Medway Whole Systems Obesity dashboard maps the work being carried out to support all Medway residents to adopt healthier lifestyles and achieve a healthy weight.
On the pages in this dashboard, you can view the current stakeholders engaged, the activities running and further opportunities available.
For more information, please refer to the User guide.
Prevalence of obesity in Medway
The blue lines represent Medway, with coloured points to show the comparison to England (black points).
Overview of activity to reduce obesity in Medway
These boxes show the total number of stakeholders engaged, activities currently running, unique interventions available and active locations across Medway. An activity is defined as a stakeholder delivering an intervention at a unique location.
© Medway Council 2024, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR
User guide
Welcome to Medway’s Whole Systems Obesity (WSO) Dashboard. The following guide is designed to assist you in using this website. It contains tips and advice to help you get the most out of the information available.
To view a topic click the plus symbol ( ) on the right.
Contact details
For more information on Medway’s Whole Systems Obesity dashboard or database please contact Vicki Broome: vicki.broome@medway.gov.uk
Print user guide
To print the user guide:
- Open the topics you are interested in by clicking the plus symbol ( ) on the right.
- Right click anywhere on the page and select 'Print', or use shortcut Ctrl + P.
- Once the print dialog box opens, change the 'Printer' to be 'Save as PDF'. The wording may differ slightly between browsers, just be sure to choose the option that ends with 'to PDF' or 'as PDF'. Do not use the 'Microsoft Print to PDF' option as this will save your PDF as an image rather than a searchable PDF.
- Click 'Save' then a 'Save As' dialog box will appear. Move to the folder you'd like to save the user guide in, then click 'Save'. You can rename the PDF as well if you'd like to.
The user guide has now been saved as a PDF document.
How does it work?
The Whole Systems Obesity (WSO) dashboard has been created using the R packages called Shiny and Shiny Dashboard.
The dashboard displays information from Medway’s WSO database. This database contains all the interventions, locations, activities, and stakeholders that are currently active in Medway, or were previously. The WSO database has been created from multiple sources and involves working with local stakeholders to ensure the data is kept up to date. The database entry platform is very easy to use and has been created using the same R packages as the WSO dashboard (Shiny and Shiny Dashboard).
Key terms
To give some clarity, here are some of the key terms used throughout the Whole Systems Obesity dashboard and their definitions:
Stakeholder: A person or organisation that has an interest or investment in the topic of obesity.
Intervention: An action, policy or scheme that aims to prevent or reduce obesity in Medway.
Location: A place in Medway where an intervention is being run.
Activity: An intervention taking place at a specific location.
Opportunities: The interventions that are available to help prevent or reduce obesity in Medway.
Subject area: The topic that an intervention relates to. For example, healthy eating or physical activity.
Filter: A method to narrow down the data that is displayed on the dashboard.
Key functions
Collapse the sidebar
Collapsing the sidebar menu enables the main page to fill more of the screen.
Click the hamburger button ( ) to collapse the side bar menu. The hamburger button can be found next to the dashboard title in the top left corner of the page.
To expand the sidebar menu, click on the hamburger ( ).
There are multiple ways you can filter data on the dashboard.
Select inputs: Most pages contain a box, or several boxes, that allow you to select the items you wish to view in the table, plot or map.
- Select one item: Click on the required item from the list.
- Select multiple items: Hold down the Ctrl key, then click on all items in the list that you wish to select.
- Select all items: Click on the “Select all” button under the item list box.

Table search: You can search across all columns in the table at once using the “Search” box above the table on the right.
Table column filters: There are also filter boxes above each column in the table to search with more precision.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
Overview page
When you first access the Whole Systems Obesity dashboard, you are greeted by the Overview page. This provides a summary of the prevalence of obesity in Medway and the activities currently available to prevent and reduce obesity in Medway.
Prevalence of obesity in Medway
The prevalence of excess weight (overweight or obese) is presented for children and adults in Medway. The value boxes show the latest values and the graphs display the available trend data. The plots also compare the levels in Medway to England as a whole using a RAG rating. Green corresponds to a value that is better than the England average, red to a value that is worse, and amber indicates that there is no difference.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
For children, the data is available for reception class (aged 4 to 5) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11) children. The data source is the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) via Public Health England's Fingertips tool (indicator IDs: 20601 & 20602).
For adults, the data is available for those aged 18 and over and comes from Sport England’s Active Lives survey via Fingertips (indicator ID: 93088).
Overview of activity to reduce obesity in Medway
The overview page also offers a quick glance of all the activities currently available to reduce obesity in Medway and shows the total number of stakeholders, activities, interventions and locations.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
Stakeholder page
The stakeholders page shows all the stakeholders currently providing opportunities to reduce obesity in Medway.
All stakeholders are shown by default, but you can use the select input filter on the top right of the page to select specific stakeholders to view. Alternatively you can use the table filters.
There are two tabs that allow you to view stakeholder activity in a table by either total activity or activity by subject area.
An activity is defined as a stakeholder delivering an intervention at a unique location.
By default, the tables show 10 entries at a time, but this can be changed to 25, 50 or 100 using the drop down menu above the table.
Total activity
The total activity table shows you the following information for each stakeholder:
- Stakeholder name
- Total activity: The number of interventions taking place at specific locations in Medway.
- Unique interventions: The number of unique actions, policies or schemes delivered by the stakeholder that aim to have an impact towards reducing obesity.
- Unique locations: The number of distinct locations that the stakeholder deliveries interventions at in Medway.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
Click on a row in the table to view further information about the interventions run by a stakeholder. A popup box will appear detailing all the activities run by the stakeholder, including the subject area, intervention name, and location name.
To close this popup, scroll down to the bottom of the popup box and press the “Close” button.

Activity by subject area
The table in the activity by subject area tab shows the number of activities delivered by the stakeholder by subject area type. This gives a clear indication of the subject areas that are covered by the stakeholder and enables the identification of possible gaps in provision.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
Activities page
The activities page provides an overview of all the activities currently running in Medway.
An activity is defined as a stakeholder delivering an intervention at a unique location.
All activities are shown by default, but the filters allow specific searches by stakeholder, subject area, or intervention.

There are two tabs that enable you to view the activities as either a map or table:
The map shows all activities with a specific location currently running in Medway. Activities are mapped using the location’s postcode. Activities without a specific location, such as online interventions or a policy, are not included on the map. However, these can be viewed in the table tab.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
Zoom: You can use your mouse wheel to zoom in or out of the map. Alternatively, you can press the zoom buttons ( / ) in the top left corner of the map.
Point colouring: You can map and colour the points by stakeholder, subject area or intervention. Simply select the required option using the radio buttons above the map.

Clusters: As there are hundreds of activities available to reduce obesity in Medway, the activities have been clustered into groups. This enables you to gain a quick understanding of how many activities are available within an area.
The cluster markers are grey and show the number of activities within an area.

As you zoom in and out of the map, the clustering will change based on your zoom level.
Clicking on a cluster zooms into the area and shows you the next level of clusters.
When a cluster only has one activity, it is displayed as a coloured point.
Finally, if you click on a point, a popup will appear showing information about the activity. This includes the intervention name and description, stakeholder name, location, and subject area.

Cluster size: You can specify the size of the clusters using the sliding scale above the map. Size 40 is set by default.

More clusters (slider at 50) will group the points into larger clusters, so there will be fewer markers/points shown on the map.
Less clusters (slider at 5) will group the points into smaller clusters, so there will be more markers/points shown on the map.
Layers: There are several layers of information you can add to the map. Click on the layer’s icon ( ) in the top left corner of the map to see the options available.
By default the activities are mapped with a legend. However, you can also map the activities without a legend if required.
You can also map the prevalence of excess weight for reception class (aged 4 to 5) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11) children by ward. However, only select one age group layer at a time. Do not select the reception and year 6 excess weight layers at the same time.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
The data source is the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) via Public Health England's Fingertips tool (indicator IDs: 93106 & 93108).
Darker colours represent higher prevalence. If you click on a ward, a popup will appear showing the ward name, prevalence value and indicator information.
By mapping the current activity and childhood excess weight prevalence layers together, we are able to gain an understanding of the provision available and the level of need in an area. This enables us to identify any potential gaps.
The table shows all activities in Medway, including those without a specific location, such as online interventions or policy.
By default, the table shows 10 entries at a time, but this can be changed to 25, 50 or 100 using the drop down menu above the table.
You can search across all columns in the table at once using the “Search” box above the table on the right. Alternatively, use the filter boxes above each table column to search with more precision.
Click on a row in the table to view a popup with further information about the activity, such as stakeholder name, intervention description, subject area, and location address. To close this popup, press the “Close” button at the bottom of the page.
Opportunities page
The opportunities page enables a stakeholder to see all the potential opportunities available to them to help reduce obesity in Medway.
Simply select the organisation type in the select input filter on the top right of the page. The table will then list all the interventions that the stakeholder could deliver.
All subject areas are shown by default, but you can use the select input filter on the top right of the page to show interventions for specific subject areas.

By default, the table shows 10 entries at a time, but this can be changed to 25, 50 or 100 using the drop down menu above the table.

Screenshot taken on 07/05/2021. Current dashboard values may differ
Click on a row in the table to view a popup with further information about the intervention, such as subject area, description and target audience. To close this popup, press the “Close” button at the bottom of the page.
© Medway Council 2024, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR
This page shows all the stakeholders currently providing opportunities to reduce obesity in Medway.
An activity is defined as a stakeholder delivering an intervention at a unique location.
For more information, please refer to the User guide.
© Medway Council 2024, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR
This page provides an overview of all the activities currently running in Medway.
An activity is defined as a stakeholder delivering an intervention at a unique location.
All activities are shown by default, but the filters below allow specific searches by stakeholder, subject area, or intervention.
In the tabs below you can view the activities as either a:
For more information, please refer to the User guide.
© Medway Council 2024, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR
This page enables a stakeholder to see all the potential opportunities available to them to help reduce obesity.
Simply select the organisation type in the filter on the right. The table below will then list all the interventions that the stakeholder could deliver.
All subject areas are shown by default, but you can use the filter on the right to show interventions for specific subject areas.
For more information, please refer to the User guide.
Opportunities by organisation type
Click on a row in the table for more information about an intervention. For further details, contact Vicki Broome: vicki.broome@medway.gov.uk
© Medway Council 2024, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR
Accessibility statement
This website is run by Medway Council. This accessibility statement applies to: http://www.wholesystemobesity.uk/medway/
The website is an interactive tool to allow users to explore the data. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. However, we are aware that some of these items are currently not accessible, and cannot be made accessible, such as the interactive map. If you require any information from this tool please contact us by phoning 01634 333 333 and asking for the Public Health Intelligence Team.
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, then please let us know by phoning 01634 333 333 and asking for the Public Health Intelligence Team.